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Math Kahoot Online Contest

Get ready, on October 13 at 5:30 p.m. (EST) within our concept schools network there will be a Math Kahoot Contest for students!

The contest is designed for individual student participation. Each grade-level contest will consist of 20 questions of variety like math riddles and puzzles, the majority focusing on grade-level math content. This can be done at both school and home, so there's no need to worry about location!

The top three scoring students in each grade will be rewarded with gift cards:

1st Place: $35 Gift Card 2nd Place: $25 Gift Card 3rd Place: $20 Gift Card

To ensure your participation please complete the Google Form below at least 24 hours before the scheduled Kahoot game. The form only requests name, nickname, school, and grade level. Join and win!


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