CYSP Closing Ceremony
Over 150 parents, students, and mentors attended the annual CYSP Closing Ceremony. It was great to see all students, parents and mentors...
CYSP Closing Ceremony
Robotics club competition
Robotics teams working hard
Join a Club!
Roster for our new Cheer Team!
Girls Who Code wins a place in the CGI IT Challenge!
Freedom Center Video
'Rocketman' visits Rocketry Club
2023 Rocketry Challenge Finalist Announcements - HSA will try again for the next year!
The Rocketry Club Soars!
Hosa is Ready to represent!
Girls who code!
Rocketry + Birthday Celebration!
New CYSP page!
HOSA Going to State!
OHSAA Partners with Esports Ohio!
Robotics Team Visits the Middle School !!!
Robotics Design Awards at FTC